Sunday, January 13, 2013

Best month in 2012 + 2013

Overnight @ RWS


Christmas Party with the G Friends.

That night was probably the best night in December. It's not about the things we do or the things we planned. It's all about the company. Had like direct withdrawal syndrome right after they left my place :( gonna miss them so much once we all get busy with school. 

Peggy's (auntie) 21st Birthday @ Blu Jazz

New Year DimSum Feast @ Warren country club 

Unity's Sec 1 Orientation 2013


I'm finally back in school! Gotta say that I was kind of excited for school, but at the same time dreading the assignments that have to be submitted. I love my timetable this year with H1 physics. Seriously, I think I made the best choice ever by dropping my physics to H1. Anyway, in case you didn't follow me on twitter, I am officially a J2 student in 2013!! Though I failed my econs AGAIN, Hc decided to give me a second chance to prove myself. I'm more than happy, but at the same time kind of scared as well. I'm gonna be extremely busy for the next few months with school/tuition/training. But oh well, One final year!!! 

#leggo my friends. CONQUER A'S!!!!

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